Friday, April 22, 2005

A Napoleon Dynamite Soundboard!

I never heard of a soundboard before, but this Napoleon Dynamite soundboard is, as Napoleon would say, "sweeet". It requires Flash software , but all you do is click on the words on screen and hear Napoleon say them aloud. If you haven't heard about the film Napoloeon Dynamite, ask your nearest teenager "with skills".

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I'm drawn like a moth to the flame to the web site known as Roadsideamerica, especially the Muffler Men Home Page , which chronicles the whereabouts of an abandoned race of roadside statues from a long gone auto repair chain.

Roger, the Wooden search engine, (whatever that means) allows you to search a place name, like "Richmond, Virginia" to pinpoint the oddest tourist attractions in your state or town.
Entries for Richmond, Virginia are rather mild on the weirdness scale, but that's Richmond, ranging from the Giant Milk Bottles of the Richmond Dairy Company to weird-and-wonderful Hollywood Cemetery to the legend of the body in the General A.P. Hill monument on Hermitage Road. For my own personal tour of Richmond's Hollywood Cemetery, see my "In Search of Mary Munford" web site. As we say about Hollywood's so popular, people are dying to get in!